Hi, my name is

Richard Forrester.

I'm a software engineer with a passion for bringing ideas to life.Currently I'm focused on developing Web3 applications.

01.About Me
Hello! My name is Richard and I love creating. My interest in web development started in 2017 when I began helping friends and family setup websites for their small businesses. From then on I was hooked.
Currently I'm working as a Full Stack Developer at Omakasea a small start up focused on developing innovative web3 applications
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
JavaScript (ES6+)
Tailwind CSS
Material UI
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Where I've Worked
FullStack Developer @ OmakaseaNov 2021 - Current
Lead frontend team in the development of various web3 applications from a generative NFT collection creator and smart contract deployer to a web3 ecommerce platform. Utilizing technologies such as Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, and Ether.js.
Work with backend developers often and participate in backend development utilizing various technologies such as NodeJS, MongoDB, and Solidity.
Mentor other developers, providing guidance on web3 development best practices.
03. Some Things I've Built
Project Screen shot
Recent ProjectOmakasea NFT Generator

I led the Frontend development for omakasea.com a generative nft art generator and smart contract deployer. Through omakasea users can upload image layers to create generative nft collections, create and customize mint pages and execute smart contract functions using our intuitive ui.

    TokenSmart contractBlockchainReactNFTs
Project Screen shot
Recent ProjectETH Gobblers

This project is an example of gamified blockchain patronage. A GOOEY is your own living, breathing, dynamic creature NFT that lives in a super cute Tamagotchi-style web 3 application. GOOEYs need your love and support to thrive, divide into more GOOEYs and drop gifts along the way. Each GOOEY has it's own base traits, disposition, taxonomy and age. GOOEYs can also be equipped with new unique add-ons, claimable to those who keep their GOOEYs healthy and happy.

    NextJSNodeJSMongoDBTypeScriptAlchemy SDK
Project Screen shot
Recent ProjectMegalith TV

Megalith TV is an accretive streaming video platform. Allowing token holders to upload content to a 2 week long repeating video stream. The duration of content users are able to upload was determined by the amount of ethereum sent to the contract in order to mint the NFT. Token holders have broadcasting rights to the Megalith stream and can upload content of their choosing which is shown at a defined time slot within the 2 week streaming period.

    Next JSToken GatingStreaming VideoWeb3
04.What's Next?
Get In Touch

Want to learn more about skills or experience? Feel free to send me a message.